ya Allah, aku berlindung dengan-Mu drpd hati yg tdk khusyuk, doa yg tdk didengari, drpd nafsu yg tdk puas, serta ilmu yg tdk b'manfaat..

Sunday, 17 April 2011

being a nurse is a noble work?

-In The Name of Allah,The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful-

hey everyone! have you ever been admitted to the hospital before? if you did, you should have your very own experience towards being hospitalized, rite? as for me, I've never being admitted to the hospital. even if I did, I just admitted as an out-patient only. I didn't stay overnight at the hospital. that was when I was about 5 or 6 years old like that, for the reason of I broke my forehead when I fall and hit the sharp rocks. and until now the scar stick at my forehead. so I don't have any experience staying at the hospital.

I would like to ask anyone of you who had been admitted before, what was your thinking about all the medical workers? specifically the nurse? (because I am a nurse!). I myself don't even know what people think towards us. and why you think such ways? 


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